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The ninth month of Muslim calendar is known as Ramadan.  On Ramadan month, all Muslims must do fasting and are encouraged to read the entire Quran. Aside from fasting, Muslims pray more, understand and share their religious teachings. There are 30 days on Ramadan Calender. On these days Muslims all around the world are not allowed to drink, eat and sex from early morning before sunrise to sunset.

Some other popular names of Ramadan are Ramzan, Ramazan, Ramadhan, Ramadaan etc. Muslims believe that Ramadan is the month in which the revelation of first verses of Quran from Allah through the Angel Gibreal to Prophet Muhammed.

Importance of fasting on Ramadan


Ramadan is the month in which Muslims discipline their body and mind. The absence of drink, food and other pleasures provides a perfect opportunity for Muslims to concentrate on prayer and worship.

When Ramadan starts?

Beginning of Ramadan is based upon the phase of the moon since the new moon indicates the beginning of the new month.

Things that you should NOT do on Ramadan

There are many things that you should not do on Ramadan month. You are not allowed to drink, eat and sex from early morning before sunrise to sunset, but you can have it after your prayer at the sunset.  On whole Ramadan Month You should NOT smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, swear, selfish, disrespect others, hurt or being cruel any living things, and other things that is universally accepted as ‘Unhealthy’

Things that you should do on Ramadan

There are many things that you must do on Ramadan.

  1. All Muslims should do fasting.
  2. Muslims must pray more on Ramadan days.
  3. Go to mosque more
  4. Must read Qur’an more
  5. Share religious teachings
  6. Ramadan help Muslims to learn to stay away from bad habits and sins
  7. Ramadan help Muslims to continue these practices in many cases even after Ramadan is over.

Muslims usually donate more to poor people and help them on these days.

Am I not allowed to take food on whole Ramadan Day?

No. You can take food before the dawn (Time before the Sunrise) and after your prayer on the sunset.

What type of foods can I eat before and after fasting on Ramadan?

Usually Muslims break fasting by eating dates because Prophet Muhammed break fasting by eating dates. However, You can take any type of food (provided it is prepared in the halal manner), except food made of Pork and Alcohol. Remember you are not taking food in day time, so you must take very nutritious food after breaking fasting in the evening. So the recommended nutritious food for Muslims includes dates, milk, honey, water, olives, figs, chicken, meat, fish butter, fruits and other religious significance.

Who all should do fasting?

Not all Muslims should do fasting. Young children of Muslims are encouraged to learn about fasting, but fasting is must for anyone beyond adolescence (according to some Muslim scholars it’s over the age 10). Muslims who have medical conditions that make fasting difficult, those who are going through a pregnancy or menstruation cycle, those who are too old are not required to do fasting. Some individuals who cannot fast for some reasons may make up the fast at a later date.

Moreover Ramadan brings peace and corporation to the Muslim community and it’s a most important festival to Muslims. Thanks to my friend Nowfel, and other great Muslim scholars from Kerala, India who shared their knowledge with me to write this article about Ramadan.

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