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What is a Classified?

classified means a place where you can find what you are looking for. If you are a service seeker, business seeker, job seeker, volunteer seeker, bride/groom seeker, or any-other things then you can just go on the classified.

Classified can be a newspaper, any book, website or a mobile app. The original meaning of Classified advertisement was a newspaper advertisement where people find and post their requirement and services for wider audience coverage.

But later online classified websites dominated newspaper ads. And now mobile apps dominated the whole classified area.

Now a days, people misunderstood that a classified is nothing other than just a for sale or used items marketplace. Some ignorant people are making fun of this based on hearing the world “classified”. But this is not true. All “for sale/used-item” marketplaces are classifieds, but not all classifieds are “for-sale/used-item” marketplaces.

Few years ago, an online used item website dominated the classifieds and then people misunderstood this.

Did you know matrimony services, service providers finder, business listings, blood donation lists, volunteers lists, everything are classifieds. Even listing a profile on social media comes under classified listing. Social media platforms are listing your profile under different classifieds area inside them based on age, groups, location, business etc.

Here on this FreeZonal, we are providing every kind of classified services. under one roof. Not just one, but everything !
